Meet the Mastermind
Hello, there! You may have known me as Sabell from TikTok, though honestly I have never been about just one 'thing'. Since young, I often jump from one hobby to another, one project to the other fun thing, one endeavor until the next... and the adventure goes on. A little backstory: When I was little, I would sell handwritten lyrics and handmade paperdoll sets to my schoolmates. During high school, I started writing in my school books. After finally graduating my Bachelor's degree in 2015, I struggled with depression and began writing novels on Wattpad, which lead me to venture out writing scene for a few years. Decided that it was no longer my thing, I went to work in Singapore to combat my social anxiety. Right before Covid, I resigned with intention to pursue a sticker business, but due to personal commitment, I started tarot reading service instead. After losing my dearest furbaby in 2023, I started my TikTok to cope with it and fast forward to 2025, I come back to the very thing I wanted to do in 2020. Welcome to Sabelleo Studio!